Michael G. Adams

Michael G. Adams is Kentucky's 86th Secretary of State.
Michael graduated from McCracken County public schools, was the first in his family to get a bachelor's degree, and attended Harvard Law School on low-income aid. Michael worked for Senator Mitch McConnell and Governor Ernie Fletcher before moving to Washington to serve as Counsel to the U.S. Deputy Attorney General in the second Bush Administration.
In 2007, Michael began private practice in election law, ultimately building a national practice in the field. He has represented several national political committees, numerous national political figures, and statewide campaign efforts in all 50 states. Because of this unique experience, in 2016 Michael was appointed to the Kentucky State Board of Elections.
Inaugurated as Secretary of State in 2020, just before the onset of coronavirus, Michael used emergency powers to conduct safe and secure elections that became a model for other states. Having expanded voter access while also tightening election integrity, in 2021 Adams presented the state legislature with the most ambitious election reform plan since 1891, and it passed both chambers with near-unanimous support.
Michael's work in making it easy to vote and hard to cheat has earned praise throughout America and across party lines. In 2023, Michael sought reelection and was the top vote getter of all candidates for constitutional office, carrying 118 of 120 counties. In 2024, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation presented Michael the JFK Profile in Courage Award, which recognizes public servants who have risked their careers by putting the public interest ahead of their own political standing.
Michael is happily married to Christina and is the proud father of Lucia.